Programme Structure
Programme Structure
The 18-month MDTS programme is divided into two parts,
the Common Curriculum and the Specialised Curriculum.
The 18-month MDTS programme is divided into two parts:
Common Curriculum @ NUS
@ Partner University
Mar - Jun
Jun - Sep
Sep - Dec
Jan - Mar
Apr - Jun
Jul - Sep
Integration Project
Coursework and
Thesis Research
The 18-month dual-degree Master of Defence Technology and Systems (MDTS) programme provides students with a postgraduate education in defence technology and systems engineering unmatched elsewhere. The MDTS programme commences in March with one enrolment per year.
For the first six months, students study the common curriculum at the National University of Singapore (NUS), a leading global university centred in Asia, before proceeding overseas to one of TDSI’s renowned partner universities: US Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), US Air Force institute of Technology (AFIT) or Cranfield University in the UK to work with world-class faculty and fellow course mates on an integration project relating to real-life military and defence problems. In this next 12 months, students will also pursue their choice specialisations in the respective TDSI’s partner universities.
Upon completion, all MDTS students will be awarded a Master of Science degree in Defence Technology and Systems from NUS, and another Master of Science degree in a specialised discipline by either NPS, AFIT or Cranfield University.
monthsCommon Curriculum
@ National University of Singapore
The Common Curriculum aims to provide students with a broad range of knowledge pertaining to systems engineering and introduction to key defence technologies. Here, the learning emphasis is on systems thinking. It comprises a list of courses to be conducted in NUS within the first 2 quarters of the programme.
Engineering Mathematics *
- Introduction to vector fields, vector algebra and partial derivatives of vector and scalar fields.
- Gradient, divergence and curl.
- Introduction to line, surface and volume integrals; Green’s Divergence.
- ODE classification and general solutions.
- First and second-order homogeneous and non- homogeneous ODEs.
- Introduction to error and sensitivity analyses.
- Matrix algebra: introduction and notation; rank, determinants, transpose and inverse; simple elementary row operations and linear independence; eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
- Complex numbers: introduction and geometrical representation; Argand diagram; complex algebra; Euler’s representation and De Moivre’s theorem.
- Fourier analysis: concept of transforms; Fourier series and orthogonality relations; Fourier transforms and applications.
- Probability axioms and event probability.
- Random variables and their probability distributions.
- Hypothesis testing, conditional probability and expectation.
Probability and Statistics *
Topics include:
- Descriptive Statistics
- Probability Concepts
- Conditional Probability
- Discrete Distribution
- Continuous Distribution, Non-normal, Multivariate
Large Scale Systems Engineering
Large Scale Systems Engineering deals with the complexities of large-scale systems. The Systems Approach and Systems Engineering methodologies are used to understand and conceptualize the key issues in the planning, design and management of large scale systems. The course aims is to help students learn about Large Scale Systems Engineering (LSSE) with theories, stories and case studies on how systems are planned and implemented. By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to analyze and synthesize systems and design large-scale projects using the LSSE framework taking into consideration their goals, boundaries, stakeholders, complexities, tradeoffs, risks and unintended consequences.
C3 Systems
This course provides the key underlying principles and concepts of C3 engineering and their application in the design, development and integration of C3 systems in modern armed forces.
Using a systems engineering approach, the course will also enable participants to have a good appreciation of the key considerations and challenges as well as good engineering practices associated with C3 design and integration with sensor and weapon systems.
Topics related to emerging trends, concepts and technologies will also be covered.
Operations Research
This is an introductory course to operations research which will cover both deterministic and stochastic models for effective decision-making. Topics include mathematical programming (overview on models building and sensitivity analysis; computer-based solutions), multi-criteria decision analysis, reliability and maintenance, queueing theory and simulation. Relevant cases on military applications will be discussed.
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering
This module is an introductory module providing an overview of the topic and a flavour of the details which should be more fully explored in depth through other modules. It explains systems, systems engineering, lifecycles, associated activities, products, applications, processes, models, methods and strategies.
Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics
This is an introductory course to artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics (DA). It covers various topics of AI and DA. The AI topics include heuristic search, constraint satisfaction, logic and inference, and natural language processing. The DA topics include data preprocessing, data visualization, classification, model evaluation, decision trees, neural networks, deep learning, association analysis, and clustering.
Sensors & Intelligence
This course introduces sensor and intelligence technologies and their applications in the operational context, mainly focusing on the most commonly deployed sensor technologies such as Radar and Electro-Optical (EO) sensors as well as established and emerging intelligence areas such as communications intelligence (COMINT), electronic intelligent (ELINT) and Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT).
The underlying technical principles for performance assessments in various environments, such as electronic warfare and design trade-offs will be covered and reinforced through the use of application examples.
Guided Systems
The course covers the principles, technologies and operational aspects of smart weapon systems e.g. guided weapons, precision munitions and unmanned vehicles (UxVs). The interplay of various sub- systems for target identification & tracking, guidance/navigation, command and control and their impact on mission effectiveness will be examined with consideration of counter-measures and counter-counter- measures. Additional topics include advanced concepts for autonomy, interoperability and teaming and cooperation. The course will include case studies of these weapon systems in actual combat.
This course introduces cybersecurity concepts and their applications. It aims to illustrate how systems can fail under malicious activities, and how the threats can be mitigated and managed. Topics include cryptography, communication channel security, system security, trusted computing, policy making, human factors, etc. Applications such as cloud security, IOT security, security operations centres, AI in cybersecurity, and case studies on well-known attacks will be used to reinforce the learning of various foundational concepts.
Cloud Computing
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage modern hybrid multi-cloud IT infrastructures, which serve as the backbone of systems and processes that support a company’s business strategy, technological innovation, and digital capabilities. Additionally, students will learn about the key components and requirements of modern cloud infrastructure, enabling them to design, deploy, and manage cloud services and enterprise solutions effectively.
* Online Refresher Course
Specialised Curriculum
@ One of our Partner Universities
The Specialised Curriculum aims to provide students with in-depth knowledge of a specific field in defence technology. Students are required to choose one of the specialization tracks available. The Specialised Curriculum comprises another 10 courses and a “Thesis Research“.
Select a Partner University below to view the available specialization tracks:
Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)
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Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (popup)
- Communications Systems
- Sensor Systems Engineering (Electronic Warfare or Radar focus)
- Network Engineering
- Cyber Systems
Suggested Matrix
The suggested matrix is provided as a guide only. Please work with the NPS Academic Associate and Program Officer for detailed courses’ availability in each quarter.
For full listing, refer to the NPS Academic Catalog.
List of modules for each specialisation:
Other Possible Specialty Combinations:
- Communication Systems and Sensor Engineering (Electronic Warfare or Radar Focus)
- Communication Systems and Network Engineering
- Communication Systems and Cyber Systems
- Network Engineering and Sensor Engineering (Electronic Warfare or Radar Focus)
- Network Engineering and Cyber Systems
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
This module provides the key underlying principles and concepts of C3 engineering and their application in the design, development and integration of C3 systems in modern armed forces.
Using a systems engineering approach, the module will also enable participants to have a good appreciation of the key considerations and challenges as well as good engineering practices associated with C3 design and integration with sensor and weapon systems.
Topics related to emerging trends, concepts and technologies will also be covered.
Department of Computer Science
This module provides the key underlying principles and concepts of C3 engineering and their application in the design, development and integration of C3 systems in modern armed forces.
Using a systems engineering approach, the module will also enable participants to have a good appreciation of the key considerations and challenges as well as good engineering practices associated with C3 design and integration with sensor and weapon systems.
Topics related to emerging trends, concepts and technologies will also be covered.
Department of Computer Science
This module provides the key underlying principles and concepts of C3 engineering and their application in the design, development and integration of C3 systems in modern armed forces.
Using a systems engineering approach, the module will also enable participants to have a good appreciation of the key considerations and challenges as well as good engineering practices associated with C3 design and integration with sensor and weapon systems.
Topics related to emerging trends, concepts and technologies will also be covered.
Department of Computer Science
This module provides the key underlying principles and concepts of C3 engineering and their application in the design, development and integration of C3 systems in modern armed forces.
Using a systems engineering approach, the module will also enable participants to have a good appreciation of the key considerations and challenges as well as good engineering practices associated with C3 design and integration with sensor and weapon systems.
Topics related to emerging trends, concepts and technologies will also be covered.
Department of Computer Science
This module provides the key underlying principles and concepts of C3 engineering and their application in the design, development and integration of C3 systems in modern armed forces.
Using a systems engineering approach, the module will also enable participants to have a good appreciation of the key considerations and challenges as well as good engineering practices associated with C3 design and integration with sensor and weapon systems.
Topics related to emerging trends, concepts and technologies will also be covered.
Department of Computer Science
This module provides the key underlying principles and concepts of C3 engineering and their application in the design, development and integration of C3 systems in modern armed forces.
Using a systems engineering approach, the module will also enable participants to have a good appreciation of the key considerations and challenges as well as good engineering practices associated with C3 design and integration with sensor and weapon systems.
Topics related to emerging trends, concepts and technologies will also be covered.
Naval Postgraduate School

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Communication Systems
- Sensor Systems Engineering (Electronic Warfare or Radar focus)
- Network Engineering
- Cyber Systems
Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
- Weapon Systems Engineering
- Autonomous Systems Engineering
Department of Computer Science
- Cyber Security and Defence (CSD)
- Modelling, Virtual Environments and Simulation
Department of Operations Research
- Operations Research, Modelling & Simulation
Department of Physics
- Free Electron Lasers
- Sensor Systems Engineering – General Sensors (CST)
Department of Oceanography
- Operational Oceanography
- Undersea Warfare
Department of Applied Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics
Department of Systems Engineering
- Systems Engineering
Department of Systems Engineering & Department of Operations Research
- Systems Engineering Analysis
Space Systems Academic Group
- Space Systems Engineering
- Space Systems Operations

Air Force Institute of Technology
Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Space Systems
- Aeronautical Engineering
Department of Engineering Physics
- Remote Sensing
Department of Operational Sciences
- Operations Research
- Logistics Supply Chain Management
Department of Systems and Engineering Management
- Systems Engineering
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Guidance, Navigation and Control
- Electronic Warfare Technology
- Remote Sensing (ECE)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Computer Networks

Cranfield University
We have listed examples of specialisation courses that students may choose from; and do a “Thesis Research”.
For the complete list, please visit the Cranfield University website.
- Aerospace dynamics
- Aerospace Manufacturing
- Aerospace Vehicle Design
- Astronautics and Space Engineering
- Autonomous Vehicle Dynamics and Control
- Defence Simulation and Modelling
- Design of Rotating Machine
- Energy Systems and Thermal Processes
- Explosives Ordnance Engineering
- Guided Weapon Systems
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Military Electronic Systems Engineering
- Military Vehicle Technology
- Thermal Power

TDSI implements online coursework modules to complement the full-time coursework modules under its educational programmes. This approach allows for full flexibility and convenience to both teaching staff and students without having to compromise the high academic standards of the Institute’s educational programmes.
The online modules will comprise a series of Macromedia Breeze presentations and a tutorial/assessment package.
The online modules available are: