Graduate Certificate Programmes

About Stackable Programmes

The TDSI Stackable Graduate Certificate Programmes in Digital Technologies and Systems Engineering, leading to the NUS Master of Defence Technology and Systems (MDTS), are designed to provide professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape and concurrently, meet the industries’ growing demand for systems engineering expertise. Courses in respective programmes will provide comprehensive insights into various aspects of digital technologies, systems engineering and their applications.

What we offer

Graduate Certificate in Digital Technologies

DTS 5732 Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics
This is an introductory course to artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics (DA). It covers various topics of AI and DA. The AI topics include heuristic search, constraint satisfaction, logic and inference, and natural language processing. The DA topics include data preprocessing, data visualization, classification, model evaluation, decision trees, neural networks, deep learning, association analysis, and clustering.

DTS 5735 Cybersecurity
This course introduces cybersecurity concepts and their applications. It aims to illustrate how systems can fail under malicious activities, and how the threats can be mitigated and managed. It covers both the technical and management aspects in cybersecurity.   Topics include cryptography, communication security, system security, policy making human factors, etc. Applications such as security operations centres, AI and case studies on well-known incidents will be used to reinforce the learning of various concepts.

And 1 elective course from MDTS list of courses.

DTS5701 Large Scale Systems Engineering
Large Scale Systems Engineering deals with the complexities of large-scale systems. The Systems Approach and Systems Engineering methodologies are used by the students to understand the key issues in the planning, design and management of large scale systems. The aim of this course is to help students learn about Large Scale Systems Engineering (LSSE) with theories, stories and case studies on how systems are planned and implemented. By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to analyze and synthesize systems and design large-scale projects using the LSSE framework taking into consideration their goals, boundaries, stakeholders, complexities, tradeoffs, risks and unintended consequences.

DTS5703 Operations Research
This is an introductory course to operations research which will cover both deterministic and stochastic models for effective decision-making. Topics include mathematical programming (overview on models building and sensitivity analysis; computer-based solutions), multi-criteria decision analysis, reliability and maintenance, queueing theory and simulation. Relevant cases on military applications will be discussed.

And 1 elective course from MDTS list of courses.

Graduate Certificate in Systems Engineering

MDTS Elective Courses

This is an introductory module to operations research which will cover both deterministic and stochastic models for effective decision-making. Topics include mathematical programming (overview on models building and sensitivity analysis; computer-based solutions), multi-criteria decision analysis, reliability and maintenance, queueing theory and simulation. Relevant cases on military applications will be discussed.

The module introduces different modes of human robot interactions, methods for detecting humans, understanding human behaviors and intentions, and methods for human-robot coordination and collaboration. Human-robot interactions include physical and non-physical (e,g, social) interactions. Physical interactions include human assistance and wearable robotics. Non-physical interactions include natural language understanding, gestures and “body language”, and multi-modal interaction fusing different interaction modalities. Human-robot coordination and collaboration include human-robot handovers, robotic assistants and co-workers. User interface design for mutual communications between robot and humans is covered, including social interaction. Several applications and scenarios will be included.

This module introduces sensor and intelligence technologies and their applications in the operational context, mainly focusing on the most commonly deployed sensor technologies such as Radar and Electro-Optical (EO) sensors as well as established and emerging intelligence areas such as communications intelligence (COMINT), electronic intelligent (ELINT) and Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT).

The module covers basic linear algebra principles to provide the formalism to reveal coherent patterns and behaviours in data. We will introduce system identification methods, dimensionality reduction techniques, dynamical system theory, inverse problems in their Bayiesian form and machine learning techniques, with a special focus on neural networks. These will provide students with the necessary tools to analyze real-world datasets that are commonly found in practical engineering and scientific applications.

The module covers the principles, technologies and operational aspects of smart weapon systems e.g. guided weapons, precision munitions and unmanned vehicles (UxVs). The interplay of various sub-systems for target identification & tracking, guidance/navigation, command and control and their impact on mission effectiveness will be examined with consideration of counter-measures and counter-counter-measures. Additional topics include advanced concepts for autonomy, interoperability and teaming and cooperation. The course will include case studies of these weapon systems in actual combat.

The module covers basic linear algebra principles to provide the formalism to reveal coherent patterns and behaviors in data. We will introduce system identification methods, dimensionality reduction techniques, dynamical system theory, inverse problems in their Bayiesian form and machine learning techniques, with a special focus on neural networks. These will provide students with the necessary tools to analyze real-world datasets that are commonly found in practical engineering and scientific applications.

Large Scale Systems Engineering (LSSE) deals with the complexities of large-scale systems. The Systems Approach and Systems Engineering methodologies are used to understand and conceptualize the key issues in the planning, design and management of large-scale systems. The course aims to help students learn about LSSE with theories, stories and case studies on how systems are planned and implemented. By the end of the course, students are expected to be able to analyze and synthesize systems and design large-scale projects using the LSSE framework, taking into consideration their goals, boundaries, stakeholders, complexities, trade-offs, risks and unintended consequences.

This course provides the key underlying principles and concepts of C3 engineering and their application in the design, development and integration of C3 systems in modern armed forces. Using a systems engineering approach, the course will also enable participants to have a good appreciation of the key considerations and challenges as well as good engineering practices associated with C3 design and integration with sensor and weapon systems. Topics related to emerging trends, concepts and technologies will also be covered.

This is an introductory course to operations research which will cover both deterministic and stochastic models for effective decision-making. Topics include mathematical programming (overview on models building and sensitivity analysis; computer-based solutions), multi-criteria decision analysis, reliability and maintenance, queueing theory and simulation. Relevant cases on military applications will be discussed.

This is an introductory course to artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics (DA). It covers various topics of AI and DA. The AI topics include heuristic search, constraint satisfaction, logic, and inference, and natural language processing. The DA topics include data preprocessing, data visualization, classification, model evaluation, decision trees, neural networks, deep learning, association analysis, and clustering.

This course introduces sensor and intelligence technologies and their applications in the operational context, mainly focusing on the most commonly deployed sensor technologies such as Radar and Electro-Optical (EO) sensors as well as established and emerging intelligence areas such as communications intelligence (COMINT), electronic intelligent (ELINT) and Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT).

The course covers the principles, technologies and operational aspects of smart weapon systems e.g. guided weapons, precision munitions and unmanned vehicles (UxVs). The interplay of various sub-systems for target identification & tracking, guidance/navigation, command and control and their impact on mission effectiveness will be examined with consideration of counter-measures and counter-counter-measures. Additional topics include advanced concepts for autonomy, interoperability and teaming and cooperation. The course will include case studies of these weapon systems in actual combat.

This course introduces cybersecurity concepts and their applications. It aims to illustrate how systems can fail under malicious activities, and how the threats can be mitigated and managed. It covers both the technical and management aspects in cybersecurity.   Topics include cryptography, communication security, system security, policymaking, human factors, etc. Applications such as security operations centres, artificial intelligence and case studies on well-known incidents will be used to reinforce the learning of various concepts.

The course introduces different modes of human robot interactions, methods for detecting humans, understanding human behaviors and intentions, and methods for human-robot coordination and collaboration. Human-robot interactions include physical and non-physical (e,g, social) interactions. Physical interactions include human assistance and wearable robotics. Non-physical interactions include natural language understanding, gestures and “body language”, and multi-modal interaction fusing different interaction modalities. Human-robot coordination and collaboration include human-robot handovers, robotic assistants and co-workers. User interface design for mutual communications between robot and humans is covered, including social interaction. Several applications and scenarios will be included.

The course covers basic linear algebra principles to provide the formalism to reveal coherent patterns and behaviours in data. We will introduce system identification methods, dimensionality reduction techniques, dynamical system theory, inverse problems in their Bayiesian form and machine learning techniques, with a special focus on neural networks. These will provide students with the necessary tools to analyze real-world datasets that are commonly found in practical engineering and scientific applications.

The course covers basic linear algebra principles to provide the formalism to reveal coherent patterns and behaviors in data. We will introduce system identification methods, dimensionality reduction techniques, dynamical system theory, inverse problems in their Bayiesian form and machine learning techniques, with a special focus on neural networks. These will provide students with the necessary tools to analyze real-world datasets that are commonly found in practical engineering and scientific applications.

Note: EE courses are offered by the NUS Electrical and Computer Engineering department and ME courses are offered by NUS Mechanical Engineering department.

About Stackable Programmes

Participants who wish to continue their learning journey towards the Master of Defence Technology and Systems (MDTS) can complete up to 2 Graduate Certificate Programmes (total 24 units), and attain the remaining units through other MDTS courses or projects to meet the NUS graduation requirements.

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Please refer to Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.

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Q1: What is the difference between the stackable Graduate Certificate Programmes and the flagship Master of Defence Technology and Systems (MDTS) Programme?

NUS TDSI’s Graduate Certificate Programmes caters an alternative pathway for continuing professional education. Participants have the flexibility to enrol into the required modular courses that make up the respective Graduate Certificates depending on their needs and have the option to stack their Graduate Certificates into a Master’s qualification. Students who are enrolled into the flagship MDTS Programme will follow its matriculation process and academic timetable.

Q2: What is the candidature period of the Graduate Certificate Programmes? 

The maximum candidature period to complete and attain a Graduate Certificate is 36 months. Each Graduate Certificate cannot be taken concurrently with other NUS Graduate Certificate or Master Programmes.

Q3. What is the programme duration for the Graduate Certificate Programmes?

Graduate Certificate in Prescribed Course 1Prescribed Course 2Elective CourseCompletion Timeframe
Systems EngineeringLarge Scale Systems Engineering in Quarter 1 (March to May)Operations Research in Quarter 1 (March to May)Any 1 MDTS courseWithin 6 months
Large Scale Systems Engineering in Quarter 1 (March to May)Operations Research in Quarter 1 (March to May)EE5112 Human Robot Interaction in August to NovemberWithin 10 months
Large Scale Systems Engineering in Quarter 1 (March to May)Operations Research in Quarter 1 (March to May)ME5311 Data-Driven Engineering & Machine Learning OR ME5418 Machine Learning in Robotics in January to MayWithin 6 months
Digital TechnologiesArtificial Intelligence & Data Analytics in Quarter 1 (March to May)Cybersecurity in Quarter 2 (June to August)Any 1 MDTS courseWithin 6 months
Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics in Quarter 1 (March to May)Cybersecurity in Quarter 2 (June to August)EE5112 Human Robot Interaction in August to NovemberWithin 10 months
Artificial Intelligence & Data Analytics in Quarter 1 (March to May)Cybersecurity in Quarter 2 (June to August)ME5311 Data-Driven Engineering & Machine Learning OR ME5418 Machine Learning in Robotics in January to MayWithin 8 months

· There may be an overlap of lesson schedules between MDTS courses (starts in March) and ME courses (starts in Jan), hence students will need to attend daytime classes for MDTS courses and evening classes for ME courses.· Exams for MDTS courses are typically at end of Quarter 1 (end May or 1st week of June) and end of Quarter 2 (end August).· EE and ME elective courses are currently based on 100% continuous assessment either by assignments/projects; no exams. This may subject to change by the hosting departments in future.

Q4: What is the validity of the Graduate Certificate stackable towards a NUS Master of Science (MSc) in Defence Technology and Systems (DTS) qualification?

The validity of the Graduate Certificate to matriculate into MSc (DTS) qualification is 10 years. TDSI’s flagship MDTS Programme is a 18-month dual-master degree programme, which includes a 12-month overseas specialisation phase and Integration Project.

Q5: When does the 10-year validity period for a stackable Graduate Certificate Programme apply to matriculate to the MDTS Programme?

The 10-year validity will start from the completion of the first Graduate Certificate.

Q6: What is the class timetable for the stackable Graduate Certificate Programmes?

Participants will be provided with the academic resources to check class timetables for respective courses upon confirmation of enrolment into the Graduate Certificate Programmes. MDTS courses are conducted on weekdays from 9am to 5pm. There is no weekend lesson.

Q7: How do I pay to register for the stackable Graduate Certificate Programmes?

Interested participants must seek company sponsorship before enrolling for NUS TDSI’s Graduate Certificate Programmes. TDSI will invoice the participant’s organisation for the registered modular course(s).

Q8: I am an international student residing overseas. Can I apply for a Student’s Pass to study the stackable Graduate Certificate Programmes?

Only international students successfully admitted to the flagship full-time MDTS Programme will be eligible for application and issuance of Student’s Pass, subject to Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority’s approval.

Q9: Is there any order when taking the modular courses within each Graduate Certificate Programme?

There is no particular order in which the modular courses are to be completed. The courses listed within each Graduate Certificate Programme must be completed in order to attain the qualification.

Q10: If I have taken some modular courses or completed the Graduate Certificate Programmes via the stackable pathway, and decided to enrol for the MDTS Programme, would the assessment results be counted towards the Grade Point Average (GPA)?

Participants who have successfully completed the Graduate Certificate Programme in Digital Technologies or Graduate Certificate Programme in Systems Engineering with a minimum GPA of 3.00 may be considered for admission to the MDTS programme. The assessment results of the Graduate Certificates cannot be counted towards the GPA for the MDTS programme.

Q11: Am I able to transfer learning credits from other training providers within or outside of NUS to NUS-TDSI stackable Graduate Certificate Programmes?

Participants are not able to transfer learning credits from training providers external of NUS to NUS TDSI stackable Graduate Certificate Programmes. Learning credits accorded by other NUS faculty/department are subject to TDSI’s review and assessment for eligibility of credit transfer to NUS TDSI stackable Graduate Certificate Programmes.

Q12: What happens if I do not pass the assessment for the modular course(s)?

Participants may repeat a failed course (F grade) within the allowable maximum candidature period. Tuition fees per course will be charged accordingly.

Q13: I have no intention to stack up to a Master’s qualification, hence am I allowed to register only for the modular courses or the Graduate Certificate Programmes?

Yes! Participants are provided with the flexibility to study the modular courses and/or the Graduate Certificate Programmes to be equipped with the essential knowledge and skills for lifelong learning.

Q14: Am I able to get a refund (full or partial) if I am unable to attend or complete the modular courses or the Graduate Certificate Programme(s) that I have been enrolled?

There is no refund for enrolled courses or the Graduate Certificate Programme(s). If you have a valid reason (e.g. medical leave/certificate), please inform the course admin to check on available options for replacement lesson attendance.

Q15: In the event if NUS TDSI needs to postpone or reschedule any of the modular courses, what are the available options to me?

NUS TDSI is committed to conduct lessons for the modular courses with a minimum class size. In the event if there is a need to postpone or reschedule the modular courses, participants will be informed accordingly.

Q16: Is there any form of certification after completing a modular course or a Graduate Certificate Programme?

Participants will be awarded a Certificate of Completion for a modular course if he/she meets the minimum attendance rate of 70% for the course and has passed the course assessment. Participants who are enrolled in the Graduate Certificate Programmes and able to achieve a minimum GPA of 2.50 will be deemed to have successfully completed it and will be awarded a Graduate Certificate in the studied domain.

Q17: I am enquiring on the stackable Graduate Certificate Programmes for company staff training. Where can I get more information?

Please contact the following for your enquiries: 

Type Contact Information 
  1. Stackable Graduate Certificate Programmes 
  2. Flagship MDTS Programme 

Ms Wong Hsiao-Szu ( OR 

Ms Stephanie Quek ( 

Executive/ Customised Short Courses Ms Teresa Cheng ( 

Q18: How do I register for the stackable Graduate Certificate Programmes?

Interested participants may register interest for the stackable Graduate Certificate Programmes online at TDSI website.

Q19: What are the admission requirements to enrol for the Graduate Certificate Programmes?

To be eligible for the stackable Graduate Certificate Programmes, students should meet the following requirements:

  • Bachelor of Engineering (with honours), Bachelor of Science in Physics or Mathematics (with honours), or an equivalent qualification
  • At least 3 years of relevant working experience
  • Full sponsorship by the candidate’s employer

Participants who are interested to register for modular course(s) for continuing education can still apply if do not meet the above-mentioned requirements.